Register now for your chance to attend Un-Convention Factory
News: 13th April 2010 by Louise Dodgson under

Un-Convention have teamed up with the creators of iconic indie-rock footwear, Converse, to search for 300 of the UK’s most promising creative minds.
Winning applicants will be taken to The Un-Convention Factory May 8th to work with iconic figures in independent music, such as, Har Mar Superstar, and Peter Hook from New Order to record, design and release an album, in only one day.
The chosen creatives will be responsible for steering reputable bands through the whole record label process; planning, recording, designing, marketing and distribution of a remake of Iggy Pop’s classic album The Idiot, featuring a track each from:
• Reverend Soundsystem
• The Whip
• I Am Kloot
• New Education
• The Virgin Marys
All processes will be based on democratic decisions from participants after working all day with industry innovators including Soundcloud, Music Glue and Radar Maker and cultural figureheads including:
• Har Mar Superstar
• Peter Hook – New Order
• Brian Travers – UB40
• Graham Massey – 808 State
• Andrew Dubber – New Music Strategies
• John Robb
• Don Letts
This is in addition to open discussions with promoters, musicians, record label bosses, music industry consultants and learned experts all under one roof, sharing their invaluable combined knowledge.
Un-Convention was set up to provide a series of music conferences directly relevant to the growing number of musicians, small labels and creatives trying to build a career in music, independent of the major labels and their outmoded strategies. The Un-Convention concept went viral and Un-Conventions are now being staged across the world in Mumbai, Colombia, The Netherlands and Brisbane.
The Un-Convention Factory this May brings to life the advice shared at the previous conventions around the world, a living example of their DIT (Do It Together) ethos.
The Un-Convention Factory is an old silk mill and heritage centre in Manchester, transformed for one day into a record making factory and creative space. Fine food and drink will flow as easily as informed conversation and there will be every opportunity to interact face to face with all the panel members in order to get the maximum insight and value from the experience. The mill will be a hive of activity, as well as the recording process there will be merchandise design workshops, a graffiti Sketch-Off and lessons on how to build electronic instruments. At the end of the day an exclusive gig will be staged by a selection of the musicians and every participant will walk away with a fresh pair of converse, a fresh perspective and a bulging knowledge base.
How To Apply…
Click here for more in-depth information on what’s on offer….
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un-convention factory, unsigned bands, unsigned musicians, music industry, music business