Get Signed LIVE! update. Competition Launch, new exhibitors and speakers
News: 17th February 2010 by Louise Dodgson under

Get Signed LIVE! is firmly underway with tickets going on sale later this month.
The London based event for independent musicians has secured speakers from firms such as Metropolis, Unsigned Band Review, Illicit Entertainment, Leonard Lowy Solicitors, Robertson Taylor Insurance Brokers, Access to Music and Compass Management as well as an array of new exhibitors.
The bill for the main stage is starting to fill, if you want to secure your place enter the Demo Mission Derby, details below…
Event Update
Arising Artists, a new company to the UK who have a network of industry professionals available by the hour for one-to-one sessions, cover all angles of the industry. Click there link to see how you can benefit from one of their consultants.
Musicians Union have also taken their place at GSL! They will be speaking and exhibiting so come along to hear their advice and see how you can benefit from their membership.
GSL! Event Director has been in some exciting talks with Unsigned Band Review (UBR) this week. It looks like it could be an interesting relationship. If you’re in a band you should definitely look at their site (if you haven’t already). For the time being its free to join and you can get your music reviewed by industry professionals…Take a look at their teams of reviewers on their site.
Demo Mission Derby
The 2nd week of Demo Mission Derby has come to an end! Fix Monday came out on top, but can they hold on to it for a third week!? They are now up against Monsters in the Attic and Zalinsky. These three bands go up against each other for the week to see who gets the most votes. Winner stays on…
If you manage to have the longest running track, then you win the chance to play the Live Stage at GSL! in May. You will also receive a A&R consultation as well as many other exclusive giveaways.
For more info head to our blog GSL! Blog then click on the Demo Mission Derby poster.
If you want to enter all you need to do is send the track name you're submitting, your biog (max. 100 words) and a photo to [email protected]. Then check to see if you've made it. Simple as that!
Related Links
get signed live, music industry event, unsigned bands, unsigned artists, emerging talent, music business