Closing soon! Factory Sounds returns offering funding of up to £1,000 for Greater Manchester musicians, producers, promoters & creatives
News: 1st December 2023 by Louise Dodgson under Music Training & Careers

If you're working in music, whether as a musician, technician, label or creative in Greater Manchester, then be sure to get involved with the Factory Sounds initiative, set up by Factory International.
They will provide financial support of up to £1,000 for anyone based in Greater Manchester who’s creating brilliant music, whether as professional or amateur, DJs, producers promoters, label owners and managers.
As well as the funding, successful applicants will also receive peer to peer support via regular meetings with Factory Sounds cohorts, plus the chance to connect to specialist members of the Factory International team to help support artistic development, alongside opportunities to participate in specialist industry sessions and creative opportunities.
For more details of how to apply, head to the link below. The deadline for pitches is Monday 12th February 2024.
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Factory Sounds offers funding for Greater Manchester musicians, producers, promoters, managers, record labels and DJs