
Help Musicians and Musicians' Union share findings of Musicians' Consensus

News: 11th September 2023 by Louise Dodgson under Artist Managers, Creative & Branding, Finance, Law & Music Business, Live, Media, Music Publishing, Music Training & Careers, Record Labels, Recording & Production, Selling & Distributing Your Music

Help Musicians and the Musicians' Union have put together a free report sharing the findings of their recent Musicians' Consensus, based on the detailed information provided by almost 6,000 UK musicians.

The report highlights some pretty grim statistics; an average annual income of £20,700 with almost half of those musicians earning less than £14,000 a year, and unsurprisingly forced to supplement their income with other work. 17% of musicians surveyed reported being in debt, with that percentage rising for Black/Black British musicians or those with a mental health condition.

The challenging nature of sustaining a career in music was also outlined, with 46% of musicians reporting financial obstacles as a barrier to developing their career.

To read a summary of the results, or to grab a free copy of the report for yourself, head to the link below...

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Report of findings from Musicians' Census 203 is released


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