Featured Artists Coalition launch petition to support their 100% Venues campaign
News: 13th July 2023 by Louise Dodgson under Live

The Featured Artists Coalition, supported by many other music organisations, are again speaking out about their 100% Venues campaign, which is raising awareness and fighting for change to allow artists to earn 100% of their merchandise sales at venues.
Some UK venues are still charging a commission on bands who sell merch after a gig, and as such can actually make more money from the artist's merchandise sales than the artist themselves.
After creating a public database of UK venues who charge 0% commission on merch sales, the Featured Artists Coalition have also published 4 principles which they believe every UK venue should be able to adhere to:
* Support acts must never be subject to commission charges on merchandise sales
* Artists should be offered the option to staff and operate merchandise operations at their own shows
* There must be no surprises for artists regarding commission rates when they get to the venue - rates must be agreed up front
* Every show must be open to negotiation on merchandise commissions
Please sign and share the petition linked below in support of the 100% Venues campaign!
Related Links
The Featured Artists Coalition launch petition to demand UK gig venues give bands and musicians 100% of their merchandise sales revenue