Take part in The ISM's Survey on the Reality of Brexit for Musicians
News: 20th January 2023 by Louise Dodgson under Live

The Independent Society of Musicians’ (ISM) are surveying the UK music sector on the impact of Brexit on musicians. The survey is an important part of their ongoing research into Brexit’s effect on musicians and the music industry.
The survey is entirely anonymous and should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete. Responses will help the ISM to lobby government to remove the barriers to touring and advocate more effectively for our sector.
The impact of changes following the UK’s exit from EU include red tape which is costly, time-consuming and confusing and often prevents artists from taking last minute gigs, or touring at all.
New rules and restrictions include carnets, cabotage, visas and work permits.
Just some examples of the problems musicians have faced during 2022 have been well publicised and include:
· Research from Best for Britain shows a 45% drop in UK artists booked by EU festivals this year.
· In early April the band White Lies had to cancel a booking in Paris as their equipment was still waiting to clear customs in the UK.
· The singer Poppy Ajudha recently cancelled her European tour citing ‘the effect of Brexit on touring musicians’ among other reasons
This is the ISM’s first Brexit survey since the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, which means that it is the first opportunity to capture information about the realities of touring in Europe from musicians on the ground. The more testimony the ISM can gather, the more informed their report will be, allowing them to advocate more effectively for change to government policy.
Please take part in the survey and share it with anyone in your networks who may have toured or performed in Europe since January 1st, 2020. Remember, the survey is entirely anonymous and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. It can be found here:
Related Links
The Independent Society of Musicians conducts survey on the effects of Brexit on UK touring bands and artists