
Music festivals cancel 2021 events, despite road map going to plan...with more cancellations expected

News: 22nd April 2021 by Stef Loukes under Live

The UK government's road map to recovery from COVID-19 may be on target and running to plan so far, but many music festivals had already taken the difficult decision to postpone all events until 2022, with others pushing their events back until later this year.

However, this week Boomtown have pulled the plug on their 2021 festival, concerned about the fact that there is no insurance to protect event organisers against the risk of a last minute cancellation which is out of their control. 

The Association of Independent Festivals, event organisers and MPs have campaigned the government for 6 months to ask them to address this issue.

Boomtown have offered the following statement: "With less than four months to go until the event, and after almost half a year of collective campaigning to the government, sadly Covid specific cancellation insurance for events simply does not exist at this point in time. This means anyone putting on an event this year, will be doing so without the safety net of insurance to cover them should Covid prevent them from going ahead in any capacity."

It is likely that we will start to see other festivals follow suit and cancel their 2021 events. More details via the links below...

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Music festivals cancel 2021 events over worries over insurance


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