Artists speak out over streaming royalties as MPs quiz record label heads at Select Committee hearing
News: 21st January 2021 by Stef Loukes under Finance, Law & Music Business, Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music

Nadine Shah and Gary Numan are just 2 of the artists who have spoken out recently in the national media about unfair streaming royalties which often see labels profit, but music makers and songwriters struggle. The articles are linked below for you to take a look at. With no income from live music due to COVID-19, the ongoing battle over the fairness of streaming has been further highlighted; Nadine Shah explains that she has been unable to pay her rent and has moved back in with parents, and Gary Numan says 'One of my songs got over a million streams - I got £37'.
Earlier this week a select committee hearing between MPs and major record label bosses took place, as part of an ongoing inquiry into streaming economy, but the direction of discussion has been criticised for focusing on how the royalties paid to labels, publishers, songwriters and artists is shared out, rather than addressing the amount of royalties paid out in the first place from streaming platforms.
Check out the links below for a summary of the latest instalment in this digital discussion...
Related Links
Music makers speak out on unfair streaming royalties