The Unsigned Guide launches Pintsized podcast: music industry advice for independent artists that’s easy to digest!
News: 24th July 2020 by Stef Loukes under Artist Managers, Creative & Branding, Finance, Law & Music Business, Live, Media, Music Publishing, Music Training & Careers, Record Labels, Recording & Production, Selling & Distributing Your Music

That’s right, we’ve entered the world of podcasts to bring you Pintsized - nuggets of practical advice to help independent, emerging bands and musicians like you to navigate the industry, and take simple, effective steps to progress your music career.
Our first episode is all about Emailing the Music Industry and has essential info and tips on how to approach anyone in the music business. It may be a particular label, manager or agent that you’ve been wanting to reach out to who you really want to listen to your music. Or you could be sending out a track to blogs to generate some coverage, or radio shows to get some airplay. Tune into this episode and we’ll fill you in on everything you need to know to get the best results!
We will give you the lowdown on what you should say in your email, how to stand out and get their attention, what format to send your music on, plus what links or other info you should include alongside your track.
The Pintsized podcast, bursting with info, will only take 10 minutes of your time, so press play and sink that pint now!
Listen here:
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The Unsigned Guide launch Pintsized music industry advice podcast for emerging bands and artists