Tipping Point/Generator unveil new Songwriting Residency for North East artists & musicians
News: 21st January 2020 by Louise Dodgson under Music Publishing, Music Training & Careers

From Monday 17th to Friday 21st February, the Tipping Point and Academy of Music & Sound Gateshead are teaming up to provide a songwriting residency, allowing 12 emerging artists and musicians aged 16 to 25 years and based in the North East to develop their songwriting skills.
Sharing their invaluable expertise and knowledge during the residency will be prolific songwriters Joe Hammill (Cattle & Cane, Lucy Spraggan) and Hattie Murdoch (Blackbutter Records, Trafik).
Definitely an opportunity not to be missed! Apply via the link below...
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Tipping Point and Academy of Music & Sound launch Songwriting Residency aimed at emerging artists and musicians in the North East