Agent Of Change steps up to save music venues. Get involved!
News: 22nd December 2017 by Louise Dodgson under Artist Managers, Creative & Branding, Finance, Law & Music Business, Live, Media, Music Publishing, Music Training & Careers, Record Labels, Recording & Production, Selling & Distributing Your Music

UK Music Trust has stepped up its Agent Of Change campaign ahead of the principle to introduce it into UK planning law will be read in Parliament on 10th January.
To bring you up to speed, the intention behind the Agent Of Change principle is to put the onus of noise issues onto property developers who should sufficiently protect new residential buildings from noise, rather than onto existing live music venues as it currently stands.
Everyone needs to get behind this campaign to give it as much weight as possible when the date in Parliament comes up in January. Check out the links below for more information on how you can add your name, share across social media and write to yor local MP to ensure the outcome we all hope for.
Related Links
Agent Of Change campaign to protect live music venues against noise complaints picks up speed