
SoundCloud battles between unsigned community & the music industry

News: 18th November 2015 by Louise Dodgson under Music Publishing, Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music

Starting off in 2007, SoundCloud was initially created by two Swedish musicians as a way to share music and over the years it became a real hit amongst the emerging community as a free platform to display your musical wares and invite feedback from fans and new listeners.

Fast forward a number of years and as the service has been embraced by more established bands & artists too, in turn bringing the watchful eyes of record labels and music publishers wanting to make sure them and their artists are going to get a cut from the tracks shared, SoundCloud is having to rethink its model. In recent months SoundCloud have been forced to remove certain tracks and mixes, and are currently being sued by the PRS For Music, so can they find a balance between their emerging roots and the demands of the music industry? Find out more about this ongoing dilemma in this brilliant article published on The Guardian, link below....

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soundcloud, share promote music online, music industry, music sales digital revenue, online digital music platform


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