Calling all musicians! Join The People's Orchestra...
News: 5th September 2014 by Louise Dodgson under Live

With their standard of playing climbing higher and our projects growing ever more extravagant, there has never been a better time to join The People’s Orchestra. They play a wide variety of music ranging from Adventures on Earth (ET theme) to the ABBA medley, from Jurassic Park to Jai Ho. Orchestra members are also able to create their own music and perform it live to film (see Fright Night concert). They also play new compositions from upcoming conductors.
The orchestra has a broad range of repertoire performing at venues across the Midlands, with past experiences including Carols in the dark at Dudley Ruins, a flash mob on a Virgin train and our latest ‘Film Greats Concert’ at the Adrian Boult Hall.
It doesn’t matter whether you are picking up your instrument for the first time in 10 years or simply don’t have your own instrument to use anymore. As long as you used to play to a Grade 7 standard, The People’s Orchestra is for you. The orchestra doesn’t just strive to help its players; many people volunteer in the office for the orchestra too.
There are numerous new projects to get involved with in the upcoming months including:
September – Birmingham Town Hall – 'Pride of Birmingham Awards'
October – West Bromwich Town Hall – 'Fright Night'
December - Malvern Festival Theatre - 'The Snowman' and 'Christmas Music by Candlelight'
January – Birmingham University, Great Hall – 'Winter Ball'
The People's Orchestra are still on the look out for players so if you would like to join in a taster session or would like to volunteer please call Sarah on: 0121 569 2616 to arrange when to pop along.
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the peoples orchestra, musicians, instrumentalists, live music,