
Billy Bragg to speak at MusicTank streaming event

News: 5th February 2014 by Louise Dodgson under Artist Managers, Finance, Law & Music Business, Music Training & Careers, Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music


6.30pm, 7th April 2014, Fyvie Hall, University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, W1B 2UW
With the start of the year dominated by the launch of yet more streaming services, MusicTank is focusing its first think tank of 2014 on the economics behind this new model, particularly the artist’s cut.
We are pleased to announce independent singer-songwriter and activist Billy Bragg as a speaker at the event, who became a prominent voice in the debate at the end of last year with his call to artists to question labels about royalties paid, rather than focus solely on streaming services as the problem.
It’s an area where there is still a lot of confusion, despite the huge payments to rights holders cited by streaming companies and Spotify’s attempt to make revenue calculations more transparent, which we hope to strip away with a frank look at exactly how artists get paid.
With streaming services having taken a battering from vocal artists about their financial models, MusicTank will explore whether more openness about how royalties are calculated could help alleviate the distrust felt by some. 
Said MusicTank Chairman Keith Harris: “Streaming represents a significant shift in the way people consume music, and as a new model its growing prevalence cannot be ignored. If this is to be the future, then all parties need to understand how they will come to be paid, and that’s an area that for many artists is still unclear. It is our hope that with the input of our expert speakers, MusicTank can help shed some light on this subject.”
Event Details
Date: 7th April 2014
Time: 6.30pm to 9.00pm
Venue: Fyvie Hall, University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, W1B 2UW
Prices: MusicTank members: £25.00 | Standard: £40.00 | Students: £15 – promotional discounts currently apply, see website for details
About MusicTank
Established in 2003 MusicTank is a unique, neutral information hub for UK music business addressing change and innovation through informed debate, objective analysis and industry engagement. Owned and operated by University of Westminster, its content-rich website – – contains a wealth of industry information and resources, together with event transcripts and podcasts, news, reports and research papers. Visitors to the site can sign up to a free monthly e-mail newsletter, and for a small annual subscription become members, giving access to premium content.

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music streaming services, spotify, deezer, digital music, rdio, pandora, billy bragg, music tank


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