Get your FREE Essential Guide to Music Funding!
News: 13th January 2014 by Louise Dodgson under Artist Managers, Creative & Branding, Finance, Law & Music Business, Live, Media, Music Publishing, Music Training & Careers, Record Labels, Recording & Production, Selling & Distributing Your Music

Let us unravel the mysteries surrounding music funding with our new, FREE Essential Guide to Music Funding; 35 pages of information and advice to ensure you’re not missing out on the multitude of music funding opportunities out there for you.
Here at The Unsigned Guide, we are regularly on the receiving end of enquiries from bands and musicians wanting to make a living from their craft, asking how they can be supported financially, what they need to do to get signed by a record label or what other artists do to make ends meet.
Unfortunately, most artists we chat to are largely unaware of the music funding opportunities available which led us to creating this booklet as a free source of information summarising the options out there. We are pleased to welcome contributions from Arts Council England, PRS For Music Foundation, Creative Industry Finance, BPI, Musicians Benevolent Fund, Music Tank, Transmit Start-Ups and Pledge Music. All of these organisations have taken the time to present straightforward details of what they can offer grassroots musicians in terms of funding, support and development, and we’ve gathered it all together in one place for easy reference.
Within our guide you'll also find an exclusive discount offering you a £15 saving on their 'Easy Money?' funding guide to assist you further with music funding applications and pitches, plus another great discount on Music Tank membership.
To get your hands on a copy, please Contact Us here with the subject ‘Funding Guide’ and we will email it straight over to you so you can browse at your leisure.
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the unsigned guide, music funding, essential guide to music funding, music industry directory, music business