Top tips for setting up a record label
News: 9th September 2013 by Louise Dodgson under Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music

Starting up your own record label is a definite option for many bands and artists, but there are lots of aspects to think through before taking the plunge. This article on Hypebot summarises 35 points for consideration if setting up a record company for self-release or releasing the material of others is something you're thinking of.
If you're not sure if you know the answer or understand all the points, don't be put off. You just need to find someone who can help you. In the UK, Association of Independent Music (AIM) represent independent record labels and can offer advice on setting up a label, or see if you can track down a mentor, perhaps someone locally who has set up their own label, who can offer guidance and advice throughout the process.
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setting up a record label, record label, independent record company, aim, association of independent music,