
Darker Music Talks free event tackles new methods of monetisation for artists

News: 30th August 2013 by Louise Dodgson under Artist Managers, Music Training & Careers, Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music

Darker Music Talks is a series of free events in London that brings independent musicians and experienced music experts together, in a chance for a constructive dialogue. The future belongs to educated musicians/entrepreneurs (Musicpreneurs), and we build the future today.
The next discussion in London takes place the 5th September and focuses on the new ways in which musicians are monetising their music as the major-label system disappears. Topics will include:
Freemium, Crowd-funding, Subscription services, Self-release, Self-pricing and House Concerts.
These and other new ways in which artists are building and sustaining careers are explored.
Register for free. More information about the event via the link below.

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darker music talks, tommy darker, music industry, music business, music networking event, music industry panel


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