This week we launch the first in a series of surveys, all with the aim of finding out more about YOU! We know there are a great many independent and emerging bands, artists and music-makers out there and in a bid to further aid the great unsigned, we want to find out more about how and where you’re making music, what your aims and aspirations are, as well as get the lowdown about more practical matters affecting you such as your expenditure and income as a musician/band member.
Which brings us to our first survey: ‘The Unsigned Guide asks…What’s the cost of being a musician?’ We’ve aimed to keep our surveys as short & sweet as possible whilst still posing relevant questions on a number of topics, so they’re not too time consuming for you but will hopefully generate some interesting results that we can share. We’d love for you to be involved and have your say!
The survey shouldn’t take you any longer than a few minutes and all submissions are completely anonymous. We’ll keep you posted with the findings in a few weeks time, but in the meantime please feel free to circulate and share this survey as much as possible; the more responses we get, the better! It doesn’t matter what level you’re at with your music, what style of music you’re making, what your career aspirations are…we just want to hear from as broad a cross-section of music-makers as possible.
Related Links
the unsigned guide, music industry directory, music business, music contacts, unsigned bands, emerging musicians, unsigned artists