Meet the next generation of music entrepreneurs
News: 24th August 2011 by Louise Dodgson under Music Training & Careers

Entrepreneurs - the next Generation
Monday 19 September 2011, 5.30pm – 9.30pm
Venue: The Lane Suite, 12 Osborn Street, London, E1 6TE
Want to meet successful entrepreneurs and find out how they did it? Come along to CIDA’s 3rd Entrepreneurs – The Next Generation event and find out how!
Organised by CIDA in partnership with Base N Rebels Entertainment, this event will feature guest speakers providing you with the perfect opportunity to hear some of the UK’s most talented creative entrepreneurs discuss their paths to success.
Panellists include Wretch 32 [musician], Zeon Richards [Xyzee Music], Diri Creative Nerds [professional design and print company], Carla Marie William [Big Mouth Entertainment], Posty [Grime Daily] and Jason Maza [actor].
Creative Entrepreneurs participants will be pitching their developed ideas to the panel on the night in an attempt to win the £500 business start up fund!
For more information, and to book your FREE place, please visit the website below. CIDA are also running a free workshop to help anyone with a creative idea or embarking on a new business. See the link below for more details.
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creative entrepreneur, cida, Cultural Industries Development Agency, music career, music business, music industry