
Google launches Music Beta

News: 11th May 2011 by Louise Dodgson under Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music

Only a few weeks after Amazon's Cloud Player was unveiled, Google have obviously put their foot on the accelerator to follow up with the launch of their cloud offering, Music Beta. And following in the vein of Amazon, Google too have released the locker service and sidestepped the record label licensing issue. However, Google do claim that the lack of cooperation from some of the major labels has resulted in some of the snazzier features being limited.

The cloud service which will be free whilst in Beta will allow users to stash up to 20,000 songs. So, as music cloud services become the new fad unfortunately we still need to wait for them to drift over to the UK.

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music cloud, google music, amazon, record labels, record companies, music licensing, music locker


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