How do you consume music?
News: 30th November 2010 by Louise Dodgson under Media, Music Publishing, Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music
We are constantly told that illegal downloading is bad and we know that trade bodies, record labels and ISPs are going to great lengths to curb it. But it still goes on, and the teenagers of today and younger generations are being brought up in a world where the only way they know to obtain music is to search for it on torrent sites or listen to it on YouTube.
This interview below, carried out by Hypebot, is with a 19 year old girl called Hannah who shares how she discovers and listens to music, and how she spends her money on music and gigs...or not, as the case may be. The real challenge for the government, labels, artists and industry bodies is to ensure the next generation are educated in the repercussions of their actions where piracy is concerned, or a very long future of filesharing will lie ahead.
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illegal downloading, filesharing, music piracy, music downloads, music consumption