
British musicians not set to live rock'n'roll lifestyle

News: 25th November 2010 by Louise Dodgson under Finance, Law & Music Business, Music Publishing, Music Training & Careers

According to figures recorded by the Musicians' Union 87% of professional musicians in the UK make less than £16,000 per year. So the reality of the rock'n'roll lifestyle is in fact a far cry from champagne, Rolls Royces and throwing TVs out of hotel windows (although the latter is still possible on a small budget, but not recommended).

It was also unearthed that the average annual royalty payments to PRS For Music songwriter members is also on the low side; less than £5,000 a year. So for those of you considering a career as a musician, you may not wish to give up the day job just yet!

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prs for music, musicians union, music royalties, professional musicians


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