
The story behind AWAL

News: 6th September 2010 by Louise Dodgson under Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music

Since AWAL started up 4 years ago, they have built up a strong reputation, not to mention strong relationships with the artists whose music they distribute online. In years gone by the gents behind Artists Without A Label had the short end of the stick handed to them by their record label, and felt that the best way to hit back would be to create a business of their own, not only doing themselves a favour, but other bands and artists as well.

The main belief behind AWAL is that artists should be paid fairly and correctly for releasing their music through online channels, and should be offered easy and clear systems demonstrating where money is going and how much artists can expect to receive, with no hidden percentages or clauses. Check out the article below for the story behind AWAL and its success...

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awal, artists without a label, music distribution, music distributors, digital music, digital distribution, record distributors


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