Can a gaming subscription model help stop piracy?
News: 4th August 2010 by Stef Loukes under Music Publishing
Can music piracy be stopped by using the video game subscription model? This article from Bloomberg Businessweek seems to think so.
Citing XBox Live as one example - apparently Microsoft 'put the computer game companies in a position to prevent illegally downloaded copies of their software from connecting'. Authors, Johnny Ryan and Allègre L. Hadida believe that the answer to the music industries problems lies in a model 'based on subscription for community participation and active co-creation'.
It's certainly an interesting viewpoint but can listening to music, dominantly a passive medium really have the ability to adapt to the same ethos as XBox Live or World Of Warcraft when it comes to audience participation?
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digital music, computer games, subscription based, World of Warcraft, XBox Live,