Get your questions answered by BBC Introducing!
Blog by Louise Dodgson under Artist Managers, Creative & Branding, Finance, Law & Music Business, Live, Media, Music Publishing, Music Training & Careers, Record Labels, Recording & Production, Selling & Distributing Your Music

We’re excited to announce that the next in our series of live chats will be with BBC Introducing Lancashire’s Gareth Fletcher, who will be online next Tuesday 15th August to answer all your questions!
Working as a producer, for many years now Gareth has been championing emerging bands and artists on the BBC Introducing Lancashire show. He has listened to thousands of unsigned demos over the years, so it goes without saying that he knows how to spot a diamond in the rough.
Celebrating its 10th birthday this year, BBC Introducing has become one of the most significant ways an emerging and undiscovered act can get their music heard. From getting your track played on your local show, popping into the studio for a chat or live session…to being selected for national airplay and invited to perform on BBC Introducing festival stages, there is no denying the exposure that an opportunity with BBC Introducing can bring; a breaktaking succession of events for any new artist which all begins with being spotted by your local DJ.
So, between 1-2pm on Tuesday 15th August, Sean will answer your questions about submitting music to BBC Introducing, their listening process, what they look for in bands and artists they feature on the show, how to get national radio airplay, how bands can play on BBC Introducing festival stages and anything else related you may want to know!
The live Q&A will take place in the comments section below this blog. Just login to your Facebook profile and comment on the day. Alternatively, you can tweet us your questions in advance to @UnsignedGuide or email to [email protected] who will post them on your behalf during the live chat.
Unsigned bands can get advice from BBC Introducing Lancashire's producer Gareth Fletcher