Q&A: Dave Morris, Moho Live
Blog by Molly Jones under Live

Manchester music’s movers and shakers give us their unique perspective on the best (and worst) of working with unsigned acts…
Dave Morris is booker at Moho Live. He previous worked at the Music Box as booker and manager and for Factory Music Management and Agency Ltd as a band agent.
Favourite Manchester bands: Veils, Broke n £nglish, Gone Til Winter
What’s the best way for unsigned bands to approach you? Via email at [email protected] - if you ring me or talk to me first hand, I don’t have a record of who you are; if you email me, I can refer back to it
How can they make an impression? Be honest and don’t make false promises that you then can’t live up to on the night.
What’s you biggest bugbear when it comes to dealing with unsigned bands? Definitely equipment. If bands are serious, then they need to make sure they have good equipment and also realise that they will have to share it at gigs.
Top tip for unsigned bands: Be honest, be smart and have fun.
moho live, manchester gigs, manchester music, music venue, gig venue