
Q&A: Tim Thomas, Blueprint Studios

Blog by Molly Jones under Recording & Production

Manchester music’s movers and shakers give us their unique perspective on the best (and worst) of working with unsigned acts…

Tim Thomas works at Blueprint Studios in Salford.

Favourite Manchester bands:
The Paris Riots, Meadow, Suzuki Method, Silverclub

What’s the best way for unsigned bands to approach you?

Through our website or email addresses below:
[email protected]
[email protected]

How can they make an impression?
By being good mannered, organised and having great songs that are finished and ready to record.

What’s you biggest bugbear when it comes to dealing with unsigned bands?
We see so many bands invest their time and money in writing, rehearsing and recording who then do very little with the finished product.

As a producer, when you’ve put your heart and soul in to making the record the best it can be and then find the band haven’t thought about what they’re going to do with it or haven’t budgeted to have it duplicated or something like that, it can take a little of the satisfaction away.

Top tip for unsigned bands:
Write great songs, be organised and make a plan. Stay independent a long as possible to learn a little about the business, invest in good artwork and good recordings, and put on your own nights rather than do the whole pay to play nonsense.


blueprint studios, recording studio, rehearsal rooms, rehearsal studio, unsigned bands, unsigned artists


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