
10 Ways to Develop your Music

Blog by Louise Dodgson under Artist Managers, Live, Music Training & Careers, Selling & Distributing Your Music

Who are Yorvic?
Yorvic place themselves between artists and record labels. The good old days when labels picked up an artist and worked with them to develop and create a success are gone unfortunately, and today it's all about hitting the floor running. You have to do the hard work and build an audience. This is where Yorvic can come in and help. Yorvic can develop a marketing strategy to build you an audience and, when the opportunity arises, meet with labels. 
With some clever press and access to the Yorvic database of 4.2 million new music purchasers registered, Yorvic can help build your following, structured to town, city or county to make your growth organic and gain you a genuine fanbase. Here are Yorvic’s top 10 tips for you to develop your own music career & give yourself the best chance.
1. Practice regularly. It may be obvious but it is worth stating. Practice your music at every opportunity because you need to be well rehearsed and ready to play at the drop of a hat. Set aside time for daily rehearsals or to focus on writing new material.
2. Write great songs, polish your live show and play for relevant music industry staff whenever you can. These are the people who can help you take your music to the next level. In this day and age “The Next Level” is different for everyone and Yorvic also has access to great song writing talent. So, if you need collaboration to help with your song writing, Yorvic can help. Record labels also come to Yorvic with songs they want artists to perform, providing another way to help you connect with the labels. Yorvic can help sign some artists to major labels because that is where they belong, and a label is where they will make the most of their career. Others Yorvic may try and sign to an investment group.
3. Engage with a proactive music agency that has the contacts you need to be in front of. Yorvic know what our music partners and labels are looking for before they will consider signing up an artist, sometimes this can be expensive which is why Yorvic can also help source sponsors and potential funding organisations to assist with costs.
4. Showcase only your best music. Image is nothing without well-written and marketable songs. Write as many songs as you can and then whittle it down to the best 10-12 songs for live performance.
5. Assess the current music scene. If Dance Pop acts are all the rage, your Metal band isn’t likely to be courted by major record labels. While you shouldn’t adopt a style of music merely to suit trends, you could try to incorporate current sounds into your performances and demos.
6. Develop your songs on stage. Use the audience to gauge what works and what doesn’t. This is a good representation of how others perceive your sound. Your favourite song may flop with the crowd, but one that you are not so keen on may really get them going.
7. Record an amazing sounding demo. You should record your demo with a great local producer and pay to have a professional label made with your contact information. Don’t send out demos of cover songs, you want to send your best sounding original music. Print multiple copies so you can set some aside for selling at shows also.
8. Save your money. There are hard costs associated with making demos and getting noticed. We can assist in sourcing funds and sponsors, however if this money is not spent wisely or profits are not re-invested into your promotion the chances are your
music career will be short-lived.
9. Before you record your demo, make sure everyone in the band is committed to being in the band! If you have to replace a member after the demo is recorded, it will save you legal hassles later and prevent you from potentially having to re-record a demo you invested so much time and money into.
10. Of course we couldn’t finish without promoting ourselves! At Yorvic we prepare bands and artists for promotion to our music and label contacts. We also have access to Funds and Sponsors to assist you with the necessary costs. Consider the benefits of marketing your music direct - we have a list of over 4.2 million music purchasers who could be your fans. These days record labels look to who your market is and the sales potential you have. With some clever marketing and quality music we can create that following and increase the chance of a record label taking you on. Now there is no need to put off your music career, get in touch with Yorvic today. Take a look at our website, email us or call us on 0844 288 9790.


unsigned bands, unsigned artists, emerging bands, emerging artists, yorvic, develop your music, music agency


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