
Behind the scenes at BandApp

Blog by Louise Dodgson under Artist Managers, Media, Selling & Distributing Your Music

Adam Perry is CEO and founder of BandApp, not to mention drummer with The Bloodhound Gang. A busy man indeed, but he agreed to have a chat with us about BandApp, how it came about and how these free apps can revolutionise how bands and artists connect with their fans.

The Unsigned Guide and BandApp have partnered up to make sure everyone takes advantage of this brilliant tool so click the link and build your free BandApp right now, and sell your music, promote your shows and chat to your fans instantly.

When was BandApp set up and what was the premise behind it?
BandApp was set up in January 2012, and we launched in beta in August 2012. I play drums for The Bloodhound Gang and before that 'A', so I've spent most of my adult life as a professional musician on tour, and know how hard it is to stay in touch with fans. I also know they are mobile, and that smartphones are the number one way to reach them. So my love for music, tech and desire to make the music industry forward thinking led to the idea for BandApp
Why is an app an essential part of an unsigned band’s digital marketing armoury?
It's vital to stay in contact with your fans and it's also vital to help your fanbase grow. The best way to reach you fans is via mobile. Mobile usage has gone through the roof as PC sales decline. Your fans are mobile and you need to be right the in their pockets, letting them know your news, new shows, music etc, basically including them in your day to day. 
Artists using BandApp can build an app for free…how is this possible?!
We believe in free! We also believe there should be no barriers, no one saying yes or no to you, there's been enough of that in the music industry for too long. Our aim was always to make this free for everyone, giving unsigned bands the same tools we give Metallica, and this will always be the case. Free to bands, free to fans.
It's important to remember that everyone in our team has worked in music or played in successful bands. We have a good understanding of what bands want (we hope!) and a good understanding of what fans want. What we do believe is that the best way to build a community of music fans and bands is to give great, easy to use tools, for free.
How has the mobile revolution changed how bands promote themselves & interact with fans?
Completely. Your fans are living and breathing on their mobile, it's the last thing they pick up when they leave the house, and to most people it's their digital heartbeat. Bands now have the tools to sell music, promote themselves, build profiles and interact with fans like never before. There are some awesome platforms and tools out there and BandApp is one of them, in fact we are now the fastest growing music platform on mobile with hundreds of thousands of users
BandApp is set up and run by various ex band members – do you wish a similar service had existed in your day when starting out?
Yes, the internet didn't even really exist when we got signed ('A' signed to Warners in 1996. If it did, we would have never called ourselves 'A', its almost un-Googlable (if that's even a word!)
What is your favourite aspect of your role at Bandapp?
Coming up with product ideas and giving birth to them, then watching these ideas grow, change and eventually come to light. Some work, some don't but we are never short of 'em! I love building things and I'm really enjoying building our team. We have an awesome little team who really live, eat and breathe BandApp. I love the whole start-up culture, it feels like starting a band, only you're releasing products instead of albums.



bandapp, the unsigned guide, unsigned bands, unsigned artists, mobile apps, digital music, connect with fans


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