
Q&A: Jay Taylor, Ruby Lounge

Blog by Molly Jones under Live

Manchester music’s movers and shakers give us their unique perspective on the best (and worst) of working with unsigned acts…

Jay Taylor currently runs Ruby Lounge and works as a promoter’s rep for SJM Concerts. He was formerly manager of Night & Day Café.

Favourite Manchester bands:
Lost Knives, Airship, Egyptian Hip Hop, May 68, Dutch Uncles

What’s the best way for unsigned bands to approach you?

It’s probably a cliché, but pester politely via email and, of course, send links to online music and a biog. Any promoter who isn’t at peace with bands hustling for shows is plainly in the wrong job.
How can unsigned bands make an impression?

Make great music. That's it.
What’s you biggest bugbear when it comes to dealing with unsigned bands?

Most issues stem from nascent bands being on a steep learning curve so it's up to promoters to educate and nurture them to some extent, then, next time, the band will be better prepared and so on.

Again, any promoter working with emerging bands needs to re-think his or her position if they aren't happy with bands not being industry master-minds from the get-go.


jay taylor, ruby lounge, manchester music venues, live music, gig promoters, manchester gigs, unsigned bands, unsigned gigs


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