
Welcome to the new look Unsigned Guide!

Blog by Louise Dodgson under Artist Managers, Creative & Branding, Finance, Law & Music Business, Live, Media, Music Publishing, Music Training & Careers, Record Labels, Recording & Production, Selling & Distributing Your Music

The Unsigned Guide is still your one-stop hub for music business contacts but as you can see we’ve given the online directory a make-over and added a load of fantastic new features to help you make the most out of our music industry info! So let us run you through the main changes you need to know about…

Firstly, you’ll notice our colourful menu across the top of every page of the directory displaying the main categories of The Unsigned Guide. Click on Artist Managers for instance and you’ll reach a homepage summarising all the latest directory listings, news items, blogs & reports related to Artist Management.

As soon as you start browsing our directory listings you will discover lots of additional search filters which we’ve added to help you track down exactly what you’re looking for quickly & easily. As well as searching by an area of the directory or by city/town, the Refine Your Search option will allow you to search for a specific company or contact name. You will occasionally see a Search Filters option pop up which will allow you to narrow down your search a bit more if needed. For instance, if you’re browsing Rehearsal Studios you can use the search filters to pick out rehearsal rooms that offer secure storage, or browse by instruments & equipment provided, as well as instruments & gear available for hire.

If you need any help navigating the new-look Unsigned Guide we’re always happy to help. Just get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


the unsigned guide, music industry directory, music business contacts, music industry contacts


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