
Getting back to gigging

Blog by Molly Jones under Live

A great new article by Joe Sparrow (of A New Band A Day fame and who we’ve previously featured in a blog Q&A) has called on unsigned bands not to forget the importance of gigging in the early stages of their career.

In a chat with Jay Taylor – who’s also appeared on our blog, dontcha know - the pair discuss how bands are losing sight of how vital it is to play live to hone their craft and gain fans, with Jay highlighting the breakthrough success of the reclusive Wu Lyf as an indication that ‘special’, carefully orchestrated gigs that create a unique buzz are still the best way to get yourself heard.

Could this be the beginning of a backlash against bands who focus undue attention working painstakingly on their demo or maintaining social media accounts rather than getting out there and improving their playing skills? Whether you agree with their opinions or not, it’s a thought-provoking read – have a gander.

Read it here


live gigs, live music, jay taylor, a new band a day, the ruby lounge, live bands


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