
Q&A: Miz DeShannon, MAPS Festival

Blog by Molly Jones under Live

Miz DeShannon runs MAPS Festival and also does freelance work for In The City and Musicians’ Union.

Favourite Manchester bands:
The Janice Graham Band, The Travelling Band, Dutch Uncles, May68, Airship, The Second Floor, Suzuki/Method, Daywalkers, Danny Mahon, Blind Atlas, Denis Jones, The Heartbreaks, Kong, Plank!, We Are Willow, Louis Barabbas & The Bedlam Six, Kreeps, From The Kites Of San Quentin

What’s the best way for unsigned bands to approach you?
We have an email address for MAPS enquiries, which is [email protected] and they can send over any information they want. The easier and more concise, the better!

How can they make an impression?
Through their music and by being presentable. I think there are so many ways for a band to give you their music these days (MP3, SoundCloud, actual products etc.), I find that a thorough execution works with me. I don’t like spelling mistakes or shoddy CD printing!  People in the industry are savvy to ‘quirky’ packaging these days, but it doesn’t cost a lot to get some nice labels done, or even to spellcheck your biog, and it shows that you’ve been conscientious about your work and have pride in it.

What’s you biggest bugbear when it comes to dealing with unsigned bands?
Them being too cocky and unwilling to learn from people around them, regardless of how many friends and family they round up to their third gig.

Top tip for unsigned bands:
Always be nice and polite, just like your Mum taught you – it goes a long way if you have a good reputation from the word go, as well as good music. People will take time to work with you.

MAPS Festival website


miz deshannon, maps festival, manchester music, music festival, unsigned bands, unsigned artists


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