
Event preview: Welsh Music Foundation celebrates 10 years!!

Blog by Louise Dodgson under Finance, Law & Music Business, Music Training & Careers

With government funding being cut left, right and centre, support services for unsigned acts (both in terms of funding and advice) are becoming harder and harder to come by. However, one organisation which is weathering the storm and shows no signs of disappearing any time soon is the Welsh Music Foundation, who are celebrating 10 years of supporting independent music in Wales this weekend.

A really important resource for unsigned bands and new music ventures alike, the Welsh Music Foundation have spent the past decade pulling out all the stops to support musical activity in Wales through advice, advocacy, and numerous highly informative events.

As if that wasn’t enough already, they’ve been kind enough to throw a number of completely FREE events at the Wales Millennium Centre this weekend as a part of their 10th birthday celebrations including industry seminars, networking events and live music. If you’re an unsigned band or independent label there are some really interesting panel discussions about getting your music heard, promoting your music online, and making money from your music - all well worth being a part of.

The full details and list of events can be found at (including information on how to book spaces at seminars), but to whet your appetite here are the gig line-ups for the Friday and Saturday night:

Friday 10th September
(in association with Swn and GRAB productions):
Future of the Left
We Are Animal

Doors – 7pm
Saturday 11th September
Spencer McGarry Season
El Goodo
Jonathan Powell

Doors – 7pm

Most events with bands or panels of this calibre come attached with a heavy ticket price, so I’d recommend taking full advantage and getting down early to ensure you don’t miss out.

All that and they’re not even asking you to buy them a present. Which is good, because I’m not even sure what you’d buy a 10 year old organisation…


welsh music foundation, cardiff bands, cardiff music, welsh bands, unsigned bands, unsigned artists


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