
Q&A: Toby Potter, Manchester Scenewipe

Blog by Molly Jones under Media

Manchester music’s movers and shakers give us their unique perspective on the best (and worst) of working with unsigned acts…

For this instalment, we chat with Toby Potter from music video website Manchester Scenewipe.

Favourite Manchester bands: Denis Jones, Cats In Paris, With That Knife, Brown Brogues, Wu Lyf

What’s the best way for unsigned bands to approach you?

Contact us through the website -

How can they make an impression?

We might be more eager to film them if they have put some thought into a cool location. Also, we want to film more bands that have re-worked songs from there usual set up, such as electronica, metal and hip hop acts. We are usually limited for power sources when filming outside, so thought needs to go into battery powered keyboards and that kind of thing.

What’s you biggest bugbear when it comes to dealing with unsigned bands?
I don't know if we have had any issues dealing with unsigned bands; it's normally the bigger, signed acts that can be awkward and dismissive of us!

Top tip for unsigned bands:

I think knowing the importance of your local scene is essential; making networks with all the bands you play with, especially the similar sounding ones. If you can keep turning up on each others bills, before you know it, you have a scene. And image should never come into the equation, either!


manchester bands, manchester scenewipe, unsigned bands, unsigned artists, manchester music


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