
Q&A: Pete Jenkinson, PAPERecordings

Blog by Molly Jones under Record Labels

Pete Jenkinson from PAPERecordings shares his insights.

Favourite Manchester bands:
Delphic, DATG
What’s the best way for unsigned bands to approach you?
Sending a link to an online player or single MP3 file is best, although I do still play CDs in the car and at home...
How can they make an impression?

The clichés are all true; they should just put on the blinkers and focus on enjoying performing and recording the music - you can tell a mile off when bands and artists are trying too hard to be something they’re not.
What’s your biggest bugbear when it comes to dealing with unsigned bands?

That they all seem to think that, once they have a label or manager representing them, they can take their foot off the gas.  Actually, the opposite is true; it’s all about team work between the manager, label, band and publisher.

Top tip for unsigned bands:

You get out what you put in.


PAPERecordings, Manchester bands, Unsigned bands, Unsigned artists, Record label, Record company


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